Track & Trace in rauer Umgebung

Magnetic Information Platform MIP

The Magnetic Information Platform is the solution for automated identification of production equipments in areas where RFID and optical codes fail. The magnetically stored ID is temperature restitant up to 400 °C and can be encapsulated in all non ferro-magnetic materials, such as stainless steel, brass, aluminium or polymers.

The flexible data carrier allows its application on curved surfaces. Its minimal thickness of 0.3 mm, including the protective layer, enables its integration in thin-walled compoments.

The magnetic informations can be identically to laser engraved, human readable ones on the protecitve layer or different, to enable counterfeight protection i.e.; in nameplates.

High Temperature RFID
Magnetic ID tag with additionally laser engraved ID for human readability.
High Temperature ID Tag Laser welded
Laserdichtgeschweißtes Edelstahl ID Tag

Our Solution

ID Tags

They can be applied to your product or production equipment to pepare them for auto-identification.
Die Robustheit der Datenträger ist einmalig. Insbesondere deren thermische Beständigkeit bis 400 °C sowie die chemische Beständigkeit machen sie zur ersten Wahl in der industriellen Anwendung.


Unser Anspruch an die Scanner ist ebenfalls eine hohe Robustheit. Die Ausführung kann bis hin zu Scannern in Edelstahlgehäusen mit IP 67 Zertifizierung reichen.
Scanner können hand-geführt oder fest installiert eingestetzt werden. Der Leseprozess wird entweder durch einen Knopf am Scanner oder ein Trigger-signal ausgelöst.

MIP Platform

Version 1:
Stand alone Version:
Das GUI ist die Schnittstelle zwischen Datenbank und Anwender. Gelesene IDs werden für den Anwender visualisert.

Version 2:
Einbindung der MIP in eine bestehende IIOT - Plattform.

Your Benefits

Data Capturing

Enabeling Industrie 4.0 potentials with the MIP ID. Get yout means of production finally track- and traceable.


With a unique customized ID product tracking and counterfeit protection, are all in one.


ID tags can be adapted for different applications e.g. for high temperature up to 400 °C; with chemical resistance using V2A.

Individual Solutions

The industrial environment is complex. We develop customized solutions, concerning ID tag housings and integration to your MES System.

Rapid Protoyping

High resolution 3D printing for rapid prototyping of mechanical parts, such as coil cores.


Design of customer specific magnetic write heads for high-precision measurement standards is part of our business.


MIP technology is based on the magnetic data storage of hard disk drives. It was researched in SFB 653 at Leibniz Universität Hannover. It was brought to industrial maturity with the founding of MIP Technology GmbH . In total, the research time on the topic is more than 14 years. The founders worked on it for eight years.

The magnetic ID tag can be read through metallic sheets. This is one of the secrets of its robustness.

In addition to industrial applications, we are working on anti-counterfeiting IDs. By using the magnetic data as a second layer of invisible information underneath optically readable labels.

Unterseite Scanner

ID Tag Scanner

Inductive recording head for measurement standard

Write Head

AIDC read signal GUI

Graphic User Interface


magnetic transponder AIDC


Use MIP ID Tags to enable automated identification in harsh environment. If you need more information have a look at our data sheets.

In plane head

MIP Recording Heads

MIP Recording heads are designed to customer specifications and used to magnetize small permanent mangetic areas on measurement standards. The write field is high enough to overwrite existing mangetization and provides sharp magnetic transitions.

Secure ID counterfeight protection

MIP Secure

These pattern consist of magnetic dots with a diameter less than 100 micrometers in diameter, resulting in high data density. The use of these patterns is in plagiarism protection under optically visible markings.

Use Cases

I 4.0

Smart Factory

Modern Factories visualize and manage production tasks in software-based MES systems. Factory data acquisition is state of the art, but automated identification of production equipment is often not realized. This is due to the lack of suitable auto-ID technologies in the harsh environment.
Close this gap employing MIP ID!

Predictive Maintenance

predicitive maintenance

Use MIP ID solutions to predict the likelihood of future failures and determine asset failure factors that could impact plant or business operations.


Darstellung der magnetischen Felder unter einem Etikett.

Integrate MIP Secure ID in your product as an additional security feature.

With MIP reading devices and MIP Secure IDs in your products plagiarism problems belong to the past.




+49 0151 28 25 87 97


MIP Technology GmbH
Weitblick 1
32429 Minden

Funding and References
